Taste the Rainbow:

Chemoreception and the Science of Miracle Berries

Aля Этингоф; 12+; 2-3 встречи. Class will be taught in English.

Why is ice cream so delicious? Why do lemons make us squirm?

In this class, we will discuss and explore the mechanisms of human taste, why we need taste, and what evolutionary advantages it has. We will learn how the tongue works, and why a lemon is sour but an orange is sweet. And finally, we will explore the mysterious phenomenon of the Miracle Berry, a fruit native to West Africa that has taste-changing properties. In our last class, we will try it and experiment with how the flavors of different foods change!

Please email me at aetingof@gmail.com if you or your child has any allergies and would like to participate in the miracle berry tasting.

Note: Class is 12+ for content but kids under 12 are welcome. They may not understand the science discussed in the first classes but will be included in the tasting if they want.